Monday, 25 June 2012

Rogue Modelling Agencies

Today I would like to talk about an experience I had recently with what I felt was a Rogue modelling agency, I will not be naming names of  who the exact agency was.

I was forwarded details for some shoots & castings that were coming up, I applied for one show, who told me they were interested in working with me, and they would like to book me for an assessment with their affiliated photography studio.

So I thought ok why not.  Luckily for me although i've been modelling for a short while I knew the tell tell signs of a rogue modelling agency and had done my prior research, following all the guidelines and steps from AMA (Association of Modelling Agencies).

The website of the modelling agency was ok, not anything to wow the eyes, I proceeded with caution. The big day arrived, I went for the assessment they loved my look and not so much my portfolio, now in my eyes my portfolio was a decent portfolio nothing to be ashamed of, however they saw differently. They began telling me of taking pictures there and then at a cost of £200 thats when alarm bells began to ring, because they were slowly convincing me sucking me in, some of the models they had in their office I had worked with, so I said I would place a deposit, and left it as that, in which I was not given an official receipt, which rang alarm bell's number 2.

I then spoke with a model who was there in the studio after we left and felt the same way as I did that something about this agency and the way it operated didn't quite smell right, which further increased my suspicion. I went home and did more research and spoke with a few other models, who had worked with them and they all had the same response stay away from them this not how a reputable agency should operate, and they told me their experiences they had with the agency. So I did exactly what they advised me and  I feel much better for it, as I could see like many other rogue agencies, they purely after money.

In some respects i'm glad to be a freelance model as it gives me that freedom, but theres always that risk of falling into that pit, the moral of that story is to be AWARE , although this is said time and time again, just be on your toes for what's out there.

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